Step One

Think about some people you are grateful for.  Don't worry about getting your list to one hundred yet.  Just begin recognizing the people who have touched your heart in some way.  Maybe they are alive, maybe they have passed.  Perhaps you know them personally, perhaps you don't.  There is no right or wrong here.  


Step Two

Decide how you want to thank your people.  The sky's the limit.  Some people in the Hundred Hearts Tribe are doing things like thank you notes, poetry, paintings of nebulae, dinner invitations, service projects, and family history stories. I’ve created a few different sets of gratitude notecards to make it easy for you - but that’s just one way.  The important thing is choosing something that is right for YOU, fits with YOUR life, and comes from YOUR heart.


Step Three

Get started!  Don't wait for perfection - just get going.  Gratitude is so incredibly powerful - you do not want to miss out.  Life in the middle and on the other side of the Hundred Hearts Project is so dang rich.  I want you to experience it as soon as in yesterday!
